Relational Operators
English: Relational Operators You can also store boolean expression for bool variables, besides "true" or "false" states. If you want to do that, you need to use relational operators. Look at the code below: bool checkNumber = 10 > 5; Which value "checkNumber" stores at this moment? In the code above, we are using one relational operator (>) to check if the value on the left is more than the value on the right. If 10 is more than 5, do you agree that this expression is a truth? If this boolean expression is a truth, the value of "checkNumber" is "true" too. But if you write: checkNumber = 2 > 514; The value from "checkNumber" is false now, because 2 is not more than 514. Returning "true" through from expression above, we can use other relational operator (<) which checks if value on the left is less than value on the right: checkNumber = 2 < 514; At this...